Saving Money

We are all about saving money. Whether it is grabbing something on sale, using a coupon, or negotiating a better price every single one of us wants to stretch our dollars as far as they can go. One of the most notable ways you can make instant savings every single month is by investing in preventative maintenance on your home or business’s HVAC system. Preventative maintenance refers to any work or inspection done on your heating, ventilation, or air conditioning system before the problem occurs. By spending small amounts on maintenance, you’ll save hundreds to thousands of dollars from costly repairs and extending the lifespan of your system. Not only that, by taking excellent care of your system at your home or business you’ll also run a more energy efficient system that will save money in monthly bills. 

Perhaps the most exciting part about preventative maintenance is how easy it is for anyone to do themselves. Amongst other things, this is the year of the DIY or do-it yourself projects. We wanted to outline a handful of quick, affordable, and easy to do measures you can take to improve the quality of your HVAC system. Some of the simple recommendations we would make in order to start saving and upgrading your system is to add energy efficient window seals. Studies have shown that most homes are severely under insulated and will benefit from adding seals that improve energy efficiency and comfort. Many HVAC systems sit outside of the home and take a beating from the weather. Heat, snow, cold, rain, humidity, and airborne dust all cause your system to erode slowly. By keeping a proper cover during inclement weather you’ll extend the life and functionality of your system. Our final easy tip would be to take advantage of programming your thermostat’s efficiency. If you have the option to program your thermostat to control the temperature of your home or business you have to take advantage of it. Program your device to stay at a consistent temperature for a long period of time, fluctuations in temperature requires a large amount of energy. Reduce heating or cooling about 60 minutes before bedtime and increase heating or cooling about 30 minutes before rising in the morning.

After knocking out some of the measures you can take to improve your HVAC system it is good to see what projects you can get done with a trusted and certified professional. While the simple fixes will absolutely add to the lifespan and efficiency of your unit, some of the projects that an experienced pro can do will take the savings and efficiency to an even higher level. One of the quickest things a professional can do is perform duct work. By improving the insulation, rooms will better hold the temperature they are supposed to be. Any electrical issues going on with your system should absolutely be done by a professional. Not only can an electrical issue be extremely complicated it can be outright dangerous. There are a lot of technical fixes that can be involved in preventative maintenance. If there is ever a doubt, feel free to give us a call and we would be happy to walk you through a potential fix and give you an honest assessment about whether or not a project should be finished by a professional. 

As you are thinking about preventative maintenance for your commercial or residential property, consider the Innovative Air Conditioning and Heating team to assist and support you in your endeavor. Our team is the go to for more and more Arizona families and businesses when it comes to keeping their home or business safe and comfortable. We are proud to serve the Phoenix valley. No matter where you need help, our team is prepared and ready to offer you affordable and dependable service that you’ll love. If you are interested in preventative maintenance, give us a call at 623-780-4500 or fill out our contact form below and we will answer any question, comment, or concern you might have.

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